Chicken, broccoli & roasted capsicum pizza

  • 1 red capsicum, halved, deseeded
  • ProChef Olive Oil Spray
  • 160g (2 cups) broccoli florets
  • 2 tbs no-added-salt tomato paste
  • 1 (about 100g) large wholemeal flatbread
  • 200g cooked lean chicken breast, thinly sliced
  • 125g (1/2 cup) fresh low-fat ricotta, crumbled
  • Baby rocket leaves, to serve

  1. Preheat oven to 220°C. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Place the capsicum, skin-side up, on the tray. Spray with olive oil spray. Roast in oven for 20 minutes or until charred and blistered. Transfer to a sealable plastic bag and set aside for 10 minutes (this helps lift the skin). Peel the skin from capsicum and thinly slice the flesh.
  2. Cook the broccoli in a saucepan of boiling water for 2 minutes or until bright green and tender crisp. Refresh under cold running water and drain.
  3. Meanwhile, preheat a large baking tray in oven for 5 minutes.
  4. Spread tomato paste over 1 side of the bread. Top with chicken, capsicum, broccoli and ricotta. Season with pepper.
  5. Place pizza on the hot tray. Bake in oven for 10 minutes or until crisp. Cut into wedges. Serve with rocket.
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